Tuesday, September 7, 2010

"More Fish Anyone?"

Yep I did it. I got a fish.
And man, if you thought naming your child was hard, try naming a fish!
Come on, the name means everything. It's a complete reflection on you; your personality, your ideas, what's important to you, and the way you think...
My roommates and I all got a different fish. After taking forever to choose, I found the perfect one. Let me tell you a bit about my fish. Mine is a gold fantail; he is a dark orange color, has a very long, thin, beautiful tail, and his personality seems very curious, wiggly, quick, and he likes to eat.
He likes to snorkel too.
So his name...
My roommates and I went throught several lists online:
Adam, bobby, wiggles, ogla, peggy, chocolate, mj, sparkles, and the list went on, but none seemed to quite fit my fish.
If I named my fish something like "Compernicus" I would look like a nerd.
If Inamed my fish something like "Shaniqua" I would look like I was from the hood (or a want-a-be)
It had to be just right, but when you come across the right name, you know it.
So when I came across the name Gilligan, it was perfect!
He can go by Gill for short.

1 comment:

  1. We'll feed him till he gets FAT and then we'll eat him! More fish anyone?
