Ah, the singles ward, I have missed you.
Today was my first week back to the good-old singles ward, and man has it changed over the summer! Our great bishopric is still the same, but there are many attractive new comers...(If you catch my drift) :)
From sacrament meeting to gospel doctrine and on through relief society; though the people were more so different, singles wards are usually much the same.
It was interesting to observe; it was very crowded this afternoon and busy with the expected buzz of excitement and chatter. Old friends reuniting after a summer of being apart, and much needed catching up. Boys and girls, and girls and boys.
Where to sit? What to wear? Who to see first?
Once calmed down and the meeting started, the talks were well given and the lessons were well taught.
Over all very uplifting.
Plans for upcoming FHE's, service projects, meetings and so forth were organized, and smiles, waves, and chatter never ceased.
Phones going off and couples holding hands; typical. New callings, new names to learn, new phone numbers to get, new faces to see...
Ah, the singles ward, I have missed you. It's good to be back.
Ah, the calls at 1:00 a.m., I have missed you! My printer... My project... How do you...? My kids think I am a night owl. I'm really not, it's just that I wait up for their calls. I love to talk to them, hear about their lives and help them solve their current crisis, my printer, my project, how do you...? Ah, the calls at 1:00 a.m., I have missed you!