Sunday, September 26, 2010


Fact about me: I love Oreos. End of story. Oreos + Peanut butter = Match made in heaven.
After we came home from ward prayer tonight, I wanted something to snack on while I wrote a few emails and took care of some business before bed. Problem was, I couldn't quite put my finger on what I wanted. I had fruit, popcorn, cereal, yogurts... a few different options.
College students have limited food choices you know.
I was trying to go for something healthy when my roommate made a sly suggestion.
My roommate knows me too well. She mercilessly pinpointed my weakness.
"I have a package of Oreos if you want them, I'm not going to eat them."
Oh, she hit the spot.
No I must resist, it's too late at night to eat junk food.
Just a couple.
Oh look! I have peanut butter too!
No don't do it.
*Drawer opens. Butter knife and peanut butter retrieved faster than I thought.*
Just a couple.
What the serving size is two? That can't be right.
I can justify five, right? I ran all the way to the trax tonight to make it to ward prayer!
And I didn't even make it! Seven is ok.
*Five minutes later*
Roommate: "You ate the whole package?"
Me: "Well, you offered!"
(PS: The package only contained like 15 cookies, ok? Just letting you know.)

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