Sunday, October 3, 2010

General Conference II

Wow, what a most wonderful and enriching weekend!
I got up early this morning again and got myself ready to go to Conference. My roommates had other plans, so I was going to head to the JSMB for the morning session, stick around on Temple Square and practice taking pictures of people, (come on, what a better time to practice than Conference weekend with all these people!) and then head back to the JSMB for the afternoon session.
I put a slow cooker together before I left so that I would have a nice meal when I came back, and then I walked out the door on time to catch trax.
As I walked out the door, a really great friend of mine called me up and asked where I was watching Conference and I told him I was headed to the JSMB. We met up and he had an extra ticket to watch Conference at the Conference center! So nice! It was so fun to see him again and to watch Conference with him at the Conference center.
What amazing speakers! I again found a common theme in Conference of trust and obedience. It's hard for me to pin-point which was my favorite talk, but Elder Dallin H. Oaks is definitely my favorite speaker.
He spoke about two lines of revelation/communication; personal and priesthood. It is difficult for me to describe in words, even when looking at my notes, what his talk was about for me. I don't think I can possibly say without directly quoting him what he talked about. I loved how he talked about the importance of both lines of communication; in that they are both different, but both essential. One is not without the other. It is a matter of obedience when listening to both and not just one or the other alone. We must be always worthy and obedient to have the Spirit to guide us.
I also really loved Sister Mary N. Cook's talk and I can't wait to go back and read her talk in the Ensign.
President Thomas S. Monson's talk on gratitude really touched my heart. He described gratitude as a divine principle; we need to have an attitude of gratitude. He read from the scriptures about how the Savior cleansed the ten lepers, and only one came back to thank him. We need to be grateful in all things, and especially for the fullness and light of the gospel.
After the first session was over, I said goodbye to my friend and I walked over to Temple Square. I took a couple of shots, but it's kinda hard for me to take pictures of people. I feel like I am better at still life and scenery...
Still fun though, I think I got a couple of good shots.
I ate my lunch that I brought with me and then headed into the JSMB for the last session of Conference.
I like watching Conference by myself sometimes for one session at least, because, not that I didn't focus when I was with others, but I like to focus on my own thoughts and really listen..if that makes since.
So many great talks!
I particularly loved Elder Larry R. Lawrence's talk about being a courageous parent, and teaching and protecting your children. Loved it. Can't wait to go back and read it again.
I also loved Elder Per G. Malm's talk and the analogy he used of the tree. The tree seemed fine from the outside, but was completely hollow on the inside, and filled with trash. He talked about not allowing things to destroy us from the inside, out. We need to be solid, and not fill ourselves with things that are of no worth. Steadfast and immovable.
Elder Mervyn B. Arnold and Elder M. Russell Ballard's talks were both excellent as well.
So great!
Then I came home and ate a really nice meal that I made earlier and talked on the phone with my little sister. She is a freshman in high school and is just loving it! Ha she makes me laugh.
She is still not warming up to the idea of early morning seminary, but I keep telling her how much I enjoyed waking up early and attending early morning seminary and how it has blessed my life. She is a little less convinced.
Oh well. She has four more years to go.
My roommates and I put on a movie and (of course) I could quote the entire movie. ha.
I'm sad that the weekend is over! And sad that I have to go back to school tomorrow....

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