Thursday, October 21, 2010

Stake Temple Night

Happy to report that I am still very happy and doing excellent :)
Today was good, I got up early and went to my first class; public speaking. We discussed our informative speechs that we have to give soon (yikes!) and then we headed to the library to do a class project. We were learning how to use the library's search engines.
After class, my roommate invited me to go to her class with her because I had an hour break.
It was a business lecture class, and it wasn't too bad. I actually stayed awake the whole time.
Afterwards we went straight to our Doctrine and Covenants class. We discussed sections 21,22,23,24, and 26. We again talked about the organization of the church and about the restoration of Priesthood keys for baptism. Next class is my turn to teach the class; I have to teach section 25. I'm really excited about it, it's a really great section.
Plus it's short.
After class my roommate and I ate lunch together outside and again enjoyed the sunshine.
Sorry, I feel like I am repeating myself, but my days are very similar... (Well, and it's your choice to read this anyways so there.)
I went to my mission prep class where we talked about developing relationships of trust with those we teach. The way he presented the material was very interesting today.
That was my last class today. I headed up to the computer lab and helped a friend with an English assignment. I edited his paper and then waited at the school with some friends until 5.
At 5, I met up with a friend from my ward and we went out to eat before our Stake's Temple night. It was super fun, I really enjoyed spending time with him. After the Temple session, the Mormon Tabernacle choir was rehearsing in the tabernacle, so we poked our heads in for the last ten minutes or so and listened to them. They are so good!
My sister's brother-in-law is in the Mormon Tabernacle choir, and on our way to the trax to go home, we ran into him. It was nice to see him too.
I came home and talked to my sister on the phone. I love her.
I had roommate-facebook-bonding-time. :) and now I need to go to bed....
I have a lot going on this weekend; meetings, Stake Conference, date?, cleaning, homework, Relief Society activity, dance, visiting people...
Ah.... I love being busy :)

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