Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Too Late

I am loving this October weather!
Fact about me: October is my favorite month! I love the fall season; the leaves are beginning to change from their deep summer greens to bright yellows and vibrant oranges, reds and eventually browns. I love the sunshine and the last tastes of warmth. Brightly decorated pumpkins sit on each door step, dry winds pick up, and who can help but love the smells of cinnamon and pumpkin?
Yet, a hint of chilly weather begins to seep in slowly as the days go on; a hint of winter yet to come.
I had a wonderful day today; I got up early and got to my class at 9:20am. After class, I went to our school's weekly devotional. The speaker was again particularly interesting. What I got from his talk, was the importance of being financially secure. In that: we should stay out of debt, pay our tithing, give a generous fast offering, and avoid the love of money; which is the root of all evil. He discussed the importance of getting an education and learning at a young age to be self reliant; learning to work hard. He also explained the importance of being grateful for all the many blessings that our Heavenly Father is constantly giving us and, in that, the importance of giving back to the Lord.
After the devotional, my roommate and I had our Doctrine and Covenants class together, where we discussed section 20. What an amazing section! We reviewed the organization of the church and the importance of remembering all the basics in that organization; the prophets, scriptures, the plan of salvation, missionary work, the priesthood and other leadership responsibilities, etc.
I had a break before my next class, where I had lunch with a few friends.
I love the preach my gospel manual! In my mission prep class, we love having investigators come. Last time we met, our teacher asked a young man in our school who is not a member of church to come to our class and allow us students to roll play with him. We, in front of the class, divided into pairs and-to the best of our ability- tried to teach him based off the teaching techniques. It was an interesting experience to watch my fellow classmates teach another one of our classmates who really didn't have the gospel in his life.
Today we discussed how we could improve and how we felt it went. The student promised to come back and allow us to teach him more.
After all my classes were done for the day, I went to the Temple. I had a beautiful experience there today; very sweet and indescribable.
I came home and made dinner while I helped a friend with his English assignment. Later this evening other friends came over to do laundry and homework.
You know it gets too late...
Lets just say that we have many new inside jokes and perhaps had more laughs than were productive.
It's too late....

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