Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Knock on Wood

Well, I am pretty much convinced that I never have bad days.
*Knock on wood*
My days are always good :) Life is good.
Today I got up bright and early, dressed up for the devotional, and was out the door again for school; ready to face the day.
I was wearing a skirt again today, despite the fact that it was freezing cold. Oh snow, I despise you! Well, might as well enjoy it; it certainly isn't going away for a while.
Winter is here to stay.
I love this time of the year though; I love the holidays.
This year, I feel like I am really grateful for my older sisters especially. I am grateful for their examples to me; their choices and words; they truly are examples of the believers. I'm grateful for the kind of young men that they have married and for their examples in their dating life before they got married. I'm grateful for my brothers-in-law; for the kind of men that they are, the kind of husbands they are to my sisters in the way they speak and treat my sisters and others. I want to marry a man like my dad, and like my brothers, and like my brothers-in-law. I love my family, and I miss them so much; especially right now. I'm glad I get to spend Thanksgiving with my three older siblings, my brothers-in-law, and a few other family members. I don't get to go home to Texas for Thanksgiving, but I do get to go home for Christmas! I am really excited.
Well, I came to school and went to my first class for the day; public speaking. I critiqued my classmates as they gave their informative speeches; I already gave mine.
After class I went to the devotional. Our devotional speaker today was John Bytheway. How cool is that? He gave an excellent devotional today; he spoke about being examples of the believers. He is such an excellent speaker, I really enjoyed the messages he shared.
After devotional, I went to my Doctrine and Covenants class. We discussed several sections, of which I was really touched with sections 39 and 40. I was touched by the account given of James Covill. In section 39 in the chapter heading, it mentions his exceedingly great faith in being willing to be obedient to the Prophet Joseph Smith, even after being a Baptist minister for forty years.
However, when you read section 40, it says: (D&C 40:2) "And he received the word with gladness, but straightway Satan tempted him; and the fear of persecution and the cares of the world caused him to reject the word."
I was so sad when I read that! He had that witness, that surety, that willingness to be obedient. But he trusted in the arm of the flesh more than God. He rejected the word in fear of persecution and the cares of the world.
We can not be ashamed of the gospel of Christ. We need to be steadfast and immovable; receiving the word and then sharing it.
My next class was Mission prep. We again continued our discussion on how to handle objections. we did several roll plays; of which I feel like really helps me practice and learn more. There is also a girl in my class who is teaching me some Korean now haha she is so sweet. I love going to such a diverse school.
When class was over, I went to the Temple. I love going with friends, but I also really enjoy going by myself. I love it :)
I came home freezing cold and with wet hair. I worked on some homework and then went to my friend's house. A couple of us got together and played a game called guesstures.
Fact about me: I am just not a fan of acting games; charades, catch phrase, you name it. I'll play them occasionally, but they are not my favorite games.
I really like card games and board games...
Well I came home via trax at a decent hour, however, their was some difficulty in coming home. the trax stopped between my stop and the stop that I had just been at because apparently some car had driven up onto the tracks. We had to wait for another trax to come by and we switched to the other train and proceeded to my stop. It didn't take too long; of which I was grateful.
What a day. :)
I'm grateful I have good friends, they make my life brighter. I'm glad I have good solid friends who are solid in the gospel and who I can turn to if I needed anything.
I'm grateful I was able to talk to my sisters and my parents on the phone today; I miss them. Well, I have a long day a head tomorrow; oh how I love Wednesdays.

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