Monday, November 8, 2010

Rainy Days

Rain + Wind + Wearing a skirt = Disaster.
Stupid presentation.
I actually had another really great day today. I got up early and dressed up for my oral presentation today. I ate a good breakfast, put on a slow cooker for later, read my scriptures, and walked out the door with all of my roommates on time and we all looked cute.
But then it was raining cats and dogs outside, and it was freezing cold.
So much for straightening my hair this morning...
I strapped on my heels, buttoned up my jacket, pulled my hair pack, and opened up my unbrella; bracing myself for the worst. We all bolted for the car, and once at the school, we bolted for the front door.
My roommate and I went upstairs to the computer lab (after drying ourselves off and fixing our hair in the bathroom) and I worked on my powerpoint for my oral presentation. I was working on an informative speech about a skill that I have developed that will benifit me in the future. I talked about my photography; presenting a few of my photos on the powerpoint.
I went to my first class for the day; math class. We discussed the metric system and I learned a little more about converting those numbers etc. Not too exciting; it's math.
Then I was back in the computer lab again working on my presentation for my business communications class. I had my outline finished, so I knew what I was going to say, I was just trying to gather my photos together.
My roommate came to my class with me today to see me present; that was really nice of her. I wasn't feeling too good about this presentation; I'm glad she came to support me. I am not very good at public speaking, but I feel like I did well...I hope.
After class, my roommate and I planned on going to Target to grab a few things that she needed, when a friend called us and needed a ride home. We turned around and drove the two girls home. Afterwards, we went to Target.
And you will never believe who I saw.
I saw President Henry B. Eyring at Target today.
Just walking around with his basket; shopping at Target.
With his security guard close by.
And he said hi to me.
That was incredible.
We came home; wet and freezing cold. I was especially cold after wearing a skirt and walking through the freezing rain.
The slow cooker smelled good though and it was nice to have a good meal ready when I came home.
I ate and finished up my homework.
Then I headed out to FHE.
I took the trax with some friends and we all met up at the school. Once there, we headed over to the Conference Center to take a tour. It was way neat; I love the Conference Center.
After FHE, my friend and I headed back to my place to work on homework. Mine was already done! :) Once we got back, there were certainly more people at our place than originally planned. All of us were working on homework and socializing.
It was way fun; I feel like I have a really, really good group of solid friends. One of the girls who came over wasn't feeling well, and a few of the young men over were able to give her a blessing. I am so grateful for this Priesthood power, and that they were ready and willing to use it.
I am grateful for good friends that I can talk about the gospel with; I feel like I can share my feelings about the gospel freely witht them and I love the joy and peace that the Spirit brings in my life.
I am so happy, I love it! Life is good.
Once everyone was gone, (believe it or not, everyone was out before midnight!) I chatted with my roommates about a few things, we planned a few things out together, we prayed together, and now we all really need to go to bed haha.
Gotta love these rainy days.

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