Monday, November 8, 2010

Pizza with a Fork

Thursdays always mock me. They are so close to the end of the week; so close to the weekend. Yet they tease me mercilessly, reminding me that there is still one day between me and my weekend.
Well, I had a very good Thursday indeed. I got up early and got ready for the day and was out the door as usual for my classes. I attended my first class for the day; public speaking. I have a lot of speeches due coming up, this will certainly be interesting.
I got out of class early and headed down stairs to the multi-purpose room; where I met up with a friend. He invited me to the school's 'Mentors and Ambassadors' program meeting. It was very nice; there were a couple of speakers, including the president of the school. I am very interested in the program; however I will have to see whether or not I want to be a full time member, or a volunteer next semester...
After the meeting, I met up with my roommate and we went to our Doctrine and Covenants class.
After class, my roommate and I went to the school's cafe for lunch.
Pizza day!
And of course, we ate our pizza with forks like we always do :)
After lunch, I had my last class for the day; mission prep. We disscussed the concept that when we are missionaries, we are sharing the gospel, not 'Utah culture' or 'American culture' if that makes since. We need to be respectful of the culture where ever we go on our missions, and remember that it the gospel that we are sharing with the world.
Afterwards, I went out with a few of my girl fiends.... :)
When we came back, we walked back to the school and I met up with another one of my friends there. We drove one of our friends home, and then the three of us went to eat at Noodles and Company.
We drove my friend back to the school because he had class and then I went home with my roommate.
Later tonight we watched the movie 'while you were sleeping'
I love that movie.
And now I'm going to go to bed with a smile knowing that tomorrow will be my last day that stands between me and my weekend. :)

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